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Forfatter: Emilia Søland Andreasen

Professor i kultur og formidling, Hans Dam Christensen, blev interviewet af K-Live d. 27. januar om det danske museumslandskab og synet herpå

Interviewet handler om, hvordan skattesagen afspejler en bredere udvikling i det danske museumslandskab, særligt i forhold til museumsbutikkers og caféers rolle. Hans Dam Christensen forklarer, at museer i stigende grad tiltrækker besøgende gennem helhedsoplevelser, hvor caféer og butikker er en integreret del. Louisiana var blandt de første til at tænke dette ind allerede i 1960’erne, hvor det var en del af deres alternative museumsform, da det på daværende tidspunkt ikke var en integreret del af museumsoplevelsen på de traditionelle museer. Siden da har museer i både Danmark og internationalt dog udviklet sig i en retning, hvor museumsbutikker og caféer i dag er en integreret del af de fleste museer. 

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Seminar: Den multisensoriske kulturarvsoplevelse

På dette seminar præsenteres metodisk-analytiske tilgange til at forstå den multisensoriske kulturarvsoplevelse, som den opleves hos museumsbrugere eller hos borgere i det offentlige rum. Observationer, tegne-øvelser, vandrende eller retrospektive interviews giver os indblik i forskellige aspekter af det multisensoriske. Et indblik, der kan være anvendelig for dem, som planlægger, designer og tilrettelægger kulturarvsoplevelser, i byrummet, på museet, gennem medier mv.

Seminaret afholdes d. 3. april, kl. 14-16:30 på Aalborg Universitet. Seminaret består af tre oplæg på 30 minutter hver samt en afsluttende samtale om den multisensoriske kulturarvsoplevelse og potentialerne ved at undersøge og forstå denne. Læs meget mere om seminariet og oplæggene her:

Online talks om kulturel bæredygtighed og dens betydning for museernes fremtid

Man kan nu finde optagelser fra 6 online talks, som forskningsnetværket CultureSustain har været vært for i løbet af dette efterår, på Culturesustains hjemmeside:

Her kan man få viden om forskellige forskeres indlæg om kulturel bæredygtighed og dens betydning for museernes fremtid.

Call for Papers: The peer-reviewed journal Nordisk Museologi invites submissions of articles that shed light on cultural sustainability in the museum sector

Cultural sustainability complements the three classical pillars of sustainability — economic, social, and environmental — by introducing a fourth dimension that emphasizes the importance of cultural heritage and identity in sustainable development. However, the term is by no means unambiguous. For instance, some advocate for cultural sustainability as an independent concept, focusing on the preservation and revitalization of both tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Others argue that culture plays a significant role in shaping understanding and attitudes toward sustainability in a broad sense, i.e., culture is decisive for/in sustainable development.

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the role that culture plays in fostering community resilience and social cohesion, particularly in the face of global challenges such as climate change and social inequality. Despite this increasing awareness, there is limited empirical research on cultural sustainability within museology, and notably, there are no existing studies from Nordic museums. This gap highlights the need for a deeper understanding of how museums can contribute to cultural sustainability through their practices.

We seek articles that are either case-based, methodological or theoretically grounded, addressing the following themes:

A) Communicating Cultural Sustainability

How do Nordic museums and their collections communicate about cultural sustainability? What methods, strategies and approaches do they employ, and how does the audience receive the message?

B) Digital Technology and Cultural Sustainability

What role does the use of digital technology, artificial intelligence (AI), and virtual reality (VR) in Nordic museums play in promoting cultural sustainability? How can these media support museums’ dissemination and engagement around the topic?

C) Cultural Sustainability and Other Sustainability Dimensions

How can various learning activities focused on cultural sustainability influence other dimensions of sustainability, such as social, economic, and environmental? Conversely, how can these dimensions mutually reinforce one another in the work of museums?

D) Cultural Sustainability as a Cultural Policy Parameter

How can cultural sustainability be established as a goal within cultural policy and serve as a criterion for evaluating museums’ performance and contributions to sustainable development?

We encourage researchers, museum professionals, and other interested parties to submit articles exploring the above themes. The articles should be in Norwegian, Danish, Swedish or English and can be based on cases, methods, or theoretical perspectives and should contribute to qualifying the concept of cultural sustainability across museum categories.

The deadline for submitting article proposals is December 15, 2024. Please send your abstract to Professor of Museology Ane Hejlskov Larsen at Aarhus University, Denmark, via email at

This call is initiated by the exploratory research network CultureSustain, which is supported by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. You can read more about CultureSustain here:


På det digitale nyhedsmedie Kulturmonitor den 12. januar 2024 sætter Dansk Center for Museumsforskning i en fælles artikel kritisk fokus på forskningsbegrebet i reporten til en ny museumsreform. Læs hele artiklen her: